Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Are we missing the point?

So is it possible that the best ministry with families isn't ministry targeted at or to families, but ministry that is accessible and inclusive of the needs of families in the context of congregational life?

I'm wondering if a heavy focus on Family Ministries might actually have the potential to isolate families from full engagement in the life of the congregation.

Kind of like 'youth ministry' and 'children's ministry' have the potential to isolate youth and children from full engagement in the life of the congregation.


1 comment:

Mark Smith said...

In youth ministry, we're starting to explore the idea of intentionally adding intergenerational contact - having the youth interact with young families, the elderly, etc.

I wonder what that would look like in Family Ministry? Would there be interaction with childless couples, or singles - without judgment on their childless state?